Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

A herd of elephants cross the plains of Chobe National Park in Botswana. Overexposed to create a high key image.
My story

Hi, we're Alesha and Jarryd, professional travel photographers, publishers, polar guides and content creators from Magnetic Island in North Queensland. We have been fortunate enough to travel to some of the planet's most captivating places for more than a decade, both for work and pleasure, and have developed a deep passion for capturing this world's natural beauty, curious wildlife and fascinating cultures through storytelling and visual media.

We spend the majority of my time in remote and offbeat destinations, and no matter the assignment, whether it's photographing the glaciers of Antarctica or the bazaars of Turkmenistan, it's sharing the journey with others that gives us the greatest pleasure.

Our work has been published by some of the world's largest media, including National Geographic, Lonely Planet, CNN, BBC, and Conde Nast, and we've been commissioned by dozens of tour operators and tourism boards in Australia and internationally. Besides our commercial photography and writing endeavours, we also run adventure and photography workshops in Antarctica, Botswana, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia.

We are best known for our landscapes and astrophotography, but our portfolio extends to wildlife, streetscapes, portraits, architecture and tourism. A large focus in recent years has been creating video content, often in the form of short-form, snackable media that highlights destiantions and experiences for various clients.

More of our work can be found on our award-winning travel publication, NOMADasaurus.