Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

Wedding cake

CLAWHost SonyScene

Sony Scene Site Admin
Image: Wedding cake

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What is in your camera bag?

Lots of stuff, my pawpaw, a pen, mints, my camera gear, my keys, my phone, spare chargers. I also keep headphones and a notepad. And a cloth to clean the screen.

What is your go to in your Alpha kit and why?

My camera.

Most memorable moment shooting with Alpha?

Dangling from a trapeze. That light camera body really helped for the catch and release!
