Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

Women Take on Nepal Documentary
Sony Ambassador

Tania Verbeeck

My story

my journey began when VHS cameras were a thing. Video was the only way I could show my grandfather in Belgium what Australia looked like. No doubt from then on in I had a camera in my hand. No matter what job I had, whether it was working in a nightclub, working in a bank, even working as an aircraft engineer, I would always be creating videos to help in training or tell the journey of the company. 

In 2015 I headed out to the APY lands in central Australia where I came across a 19 year old indigenous fella running with kids in the colour fun run, I asked him why he was running with kids and he replied that it was the only time he could run with others being so remote. His dream was to be part of the indigenous marathon project. So I grabbed my camera, told him to get into the car and we went to film him run through the red sands of the desert as he talked about his passion for running, health and wellbeing for Aboriginal people and his dream to be part of the IMF (indigenous marathon foundation) program. I posted his story on social media and woke up the next day to find it had gone viral. The next year he was invited to be part of the squad. It was then that I realised the power of video and storytelling. I quit my job as an Aircraft Engineer and became a full time Video Producer. It was from there that I went on to win a number of awards and recognition for my work.

I now work full time filming tourism content as well as continue to tell inspiring stories of those who's voices live far and wide. 



2019 - World Nomad Film Scholarship
2021 - Sony Film Festival
2021 - Sydney women's international film festival
2021 - Toronto Women's film festival
2021 - Best shorts competition  
2021 - Miami indie film awards
2021 - LA Indies