Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

Events, photo walks, talks from the masters, in-depth workshops. Expand your horizons with one of our many events across Australia.

Starting Never Ends is the one place for all Sony camera mini-sites. Learn about all new Sony camera products in a fun interactive way.

Robin Moon

Architectural Photography

Robin Moon
Join us for a Sydney Street walk session + online Zoom

About the event

Join Robin and Timothy Moon for a streetwalk seen through the eyes of a professional Architectural Photographer.

Architectural photographers aim to showcase the features, forms materials, textures and spatial relationships of the subject, while also considering factors such as context, perspective and the play between light and shadow.

If you enjoy photographing buildings but want to take your skill set to the next level, then this is the workshop for you!

The purpose of Architectural photography is to create visually impelling images that celebrate the beauty, functionality and artistic aspects of Architecture whether it be modern, historical, residential, commercial or cultural in nature.

With just 3 spaces remaining  this workshop includes

  • a streetwalk from 1pm to 4pm. - Saturday 18th
  • a free Architectural photography book
  • an online zoom the next day  - Sunday 19th




Techniques covered

  • Learn how to photograph buildings using the skills of Composition, Light and Research. 
  • Learn about Perspective Correction and Symmetry , Narrative, Light and Metaphor - all this in a building!

What to bring

  • A wide lens
  • A 70-200 zoom
  • NO tripod.
  • Opal Travel card

Event FAQs (For general FAQs, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page)


Robin Moon

I'm a Sydney based award-winning photographer specialising in Wildlife and Landscape photography.I am currently the APP Nature and Wildlife Photographer of the ...

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I’ve learnt many great tips in such a short time. I love that it was interactive too. ”

Benedetta Martins, Architectural Photography - The Online Edit
Ice Curves Antarctica

Anyone that is interested in architectural photography should attend this workshop with Tim & Robin Moon ! You will not regret your decision !”

Rick Merica, Architectural Photography
2 going, 1 spot(s) left