2025 Alpha Awards Photo Competition
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Do you struggle to keep control of your photos? Are you way behind with your editing? Do you worry that you'll lose your images due to technology failure? Do you struggle to know the best way to import, rate, catalogue, and then cull your photos to keep your Lightroom library under control? Believe me I've been there and if any of these sound familiar, then this webinar is for you!
I've recently managed to cull my out-of-control Lightoom library from 70,000 down to approximately 10,000 images which are all properly catalogued and backed up appropriately, so I have some useful tips and tricks to share with you!
During the session we'll go over how to get Lightroom working better for you - it is a powerful photo management tool but most photographers aren't using it anywhere near its full potential.
We'll cover best practice importing processes for different types of photography, how to quickly use the rating system to identify the 'gold star' images from your shoot, how to use Collections to group your images together without ever moving a file, using Filtering and Smart Collections for better insights into your images, and how best to delete when you have thousands of images to go through!
Outside of Lightroom, we'll also talk about storage options like using fast SSD drives, setting up a NAS and using cloud storage for optimal backup coverage.
The recording from this online webinar will also be sent out to all attendees after the event.